What use is this barrel? It’s broken; the wood is cracked and rotting, the frame is speckled with rust. The bloated planks have lost their symmetry: they're weathered and weary. Why would you keep it? A decade is a long time by any reckoning. A month can go by, a year, without much changing, but … Continue reading Over a barrel
Category: Memoir
Now available in Dutch
Copies of De tijd die we nog dachten te hebben on sale at Paagman in Scheveningen. The Dutch translation of All the Time We Thought We Had, with the title De tijd die we nog dachten te hebben (I like the fact that the Dutch don't capitalise book titles) has been out for a couple … Continue reading Now available in Dutch
My first publication year
2018 is going to be publication year. I ought to be excited. I should probably be ecstatic. For around a decade 'have something published' headed my list of new year's resolutions with the grinding recurrence of a Cliff Richard Christmas single. And now it's actually happening, and my primary feeling is apprehension. At the risk … Continue reading My first publication year
I'm delighted to announce that my memoir, All The Time We Thought We Had, will be published by Birlinn, provisionally in the spring of 2018. What's it about? In the first place it's the story of how Magteld died of breast cancer in 2014, within two years of first being diagnosed. It's about how our … Continue reading Announcement